Day 6 - Tango

After a long day of class, Taylor and I rushed home to do homework and shower to prepare for a big night out! We walked to Palermo, a very hip and sheik neighborhood, where we took a tango class! There was a big group of students from the United States and a big group of students from Argentina all learning to tango! The teachers made us pair up with Argentine partners! So we definitely got a little local flavor. A 70 year old man gave me his number, and that basically sums up our tango experience! The locals stay at la Viruta dancing until 6am! Tango is a "street dance" and apparently gets pretty steamy later in the night. After tango we went to the best "parilla" in the area. A parilla is a type of grill in which most of the food they serve is cooked on/ The restaurant "La Hormiga" served incredible food! (picture below) Taylor and I shared a GIANT PLATE and a $4 bottle of Malbec red wine. After dinner several of us hit a bar in Palermo (the bowie) and then another bar in Belgrano (anteres). We took our first UBER in Buenos Aires and after a couple of stops and a 30 minute ride our UBER was only $10! We made it home by 3 and went right to sleep! Hasta Mañana,
