Day 26 - Last Day of Class

Today we were back to our normal routine for one last time. We woke up, ate breakfast, and were off to school. We stopped and got our weekly "Monday Starbucks" even though today is Wednesdsy because we missed Monday! I had to print an article in the library and then one last 5 hour long day of class. I was in charge of issuing, collecting, and delivering the end of the semester teacher evaluations and I got to use the "professors elevator". Super exciting. After class Taylor and I bought some wine for my dad for Father's Day and then went straight to the cafe we always go to that is close to Marité's apartment! We stayed there for a couple of hours while we studied and shared a bottle of wine and empanadas! Then we came home and took a quick nap before we ate chicken with mashed potatoes for dinner! Crazy crazy that we only have one more night here in Buenos Aires. Madison
