Back to Madrid!

Crazy...we actually were able to spend time in Madrid! We were home for almost 10 days....a new record!  And a lovely relaxing week and a half.

Short Story #1:
I RAN A RACE! Rock N' Roll Madrid, was quite the experience. THOUSANDS of people lined the streets to run and watch this famous marathon series.  They shut down the entire center of Madrid to block of the streets and the course. It was really amazing to be a part of! Six miles later....we decided it would be a good idea to continue using our legs and to go on a hike! After an hour bus ride, we walked and walked and climbed and climbed until we reached a beautiful sunny spot by the river.  Tay brought a nice picnic with beer and we all enjoyed the meat and cheese!  Harris, Kenley, Maggie and John joined us too!

Short Story #2:
I believe I have mentioned this before, but there is a school for mentally challenged adults right across the street from our university.  Whenever our school busses are not running, we take the public bus home! And without fail, we ALWAYS catch the bus that the challenged people get on! So now we know them, we know who they're friends are, who they sit by, and their mannerisms. One day last week, a new guy came up to our friend Lucas and started to chat. They were having good conversation until the little man started to stroke Lucas' hair and proceed to tell him in spanish that he is in love with Lucas and wants to marry him.  Lucas was a trooper and conversed with the little dude the whole ride home! By the end, they were teaching each other english and spanish vocabulary. We all were touched by that funny little guy and will remember his face forever!

Short Story #3:
We finally went out in our little neighborhood, Malasaña! Usually when we go out in Madrid, we go downtown to the major clubs, but we switched it up this time! Our neighborhood is very trendy, and popular, so we decided to try! We went to two eclectic bars and really enjoyed both! We met a 7 foot tall african american who came here 10 years ago, and never left! One of the bars was called TupperWare, (coincidence Mom?).  

Short Story #4:
Kenley always raves about OrangeTheory (a fitness center) and so does the rest of the world! They opened one outside of Madrid and Kenley has been begging us to go with her since we arrived in January. So finally we went....after two attempts. The first time, we commuted an hour there, only to find out that we had the wrong then commuted an hour home. But the next day we made it! And loved it! They track your heart rate throughout the workout and it is the goal to stay in the OrangeZone throughout the entire workout. It was a very different and fun way to get some exercise!

The rest of our time at home was spent getting lots of school work done, and catching up on some much needed rest!

