Florence and Tuscany :)
A weekend we will never forget: Florence! My friends and I planned back in January to all meet for Katie’s (Kitty’s) 21 st birthday in Florence! And although at the time we thought May seem liked forever away, it came and went in a blink! This weekend was highly anticipated and it did not disappoint! Emily flew in from Paris, Sammy flew in from USA, and all of the Madrid girls and boys flew in! We had quite the crew. Luckily, Kitty’s apartment is really big, so we all had a place to sleep….even if it was on the floor. We landed in Pisa because it was a cheaper flight, so before we trained into Florence of course we stopped by the leaning tower! It was actually leaning. REALLY leaning. After a few pictures we were off to Florence! Our weekend begins. We arrived just before dinner and all rushed to get ready to grab a quick gelato before we walked it to the top of Plaza Michaelangelo…a famous lookout where you can see a breathtaking view of the entire city of Florence...